Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015 | It's Bekka

On the way to Vegas!

Long time no see, I hope you all had a lovely thanksgiving if you celebrate it, and a festive start to the holiday season!! I'm writing to you from 39,000 feet above sea level and am embarking the journey from Las Vegas, Nevada back home to Denver. This last week has been nothing short of an adventure. Between the late nights looking at the beautiful full moon, to the early mornings watching the sunrise, and everything in between. And I have loved every second of it!! 

This picture was taken right outside my
grandma's back yard, in the middle of the desert,
I was surrounded by cacti and beautiful read rocks
a little piece of dry, dusty heaven. 
While in Arizona I met one of the most interesting yet a annoying boys I have come across. His name is Andrew, he lives with his grandparents just down the street from October 3rd (trust me I told him about the Mean Girls reference!!) and he had this very mysterious vibe to him. Well as some of you guys know this mysterious vibe in boys is nothing new to me. Now keep in mind I didn't want to date him, oh hell no!! I first saw him with my grandma when they picked me up at the airport, I found them both at baggage claim and he was looking down at his phone, (and at this point he looked significantly younger than me not 4 years older!!) and the drive back home we talked the whole way.
where I was staying with my grandma. With short black hair and a fuckboy wardrobe, he was quite the character. We spent a lot of time together, playing video games, going on walks and just talking. He's 18, born on

He told me about how after he graduated he moved to Bullhead City, and has lived there ever since. I found him a very different person than I am, as he didn't seem to have a distinct plan for his future, and was not concerned about his lack of a plan. Now don't get me wrong this is not s bad thing, but the people I tend to surround myself with have huge dreams of going to MIT and Stanford right out of high school. We talked about dumb stuff like what our favorite colors and foods are, and I told him about my girlfriend. He seemed very shocked! Similarly to how I hadn't met someone who didn't have a plan for the future, he had never seen a lesbian!! Over the course of the week we spent a lot of time together, talked about sex and depression, the deep stuff. I think today he was harder to leave than my grandma, because we have grown close over the last week, and he drives me crazy, like a brother, but at the same time I love him like a brother. 

Thanksgiving Dinner
Now for most this is not an accomplishment, but to me it seems pretty significant. Up until this week, I have flown before but my mom or grandma has walked to me to the gate, and picked me up there. Now my mom still brought me to the gate in Denver, but my grandma was not as motivated to get through security and navigate the airport with her old lady walker. So me being myself, I had headphones in and walked all the way down to baggage claim to meet her. And the best part? I only got lost twice!! Then flying back this morning, Andrew and his grandfather helped me check my bags and then we said our goodbyes and my, myself and I took the boarding pass and my ID and breezed through security, grabbed a Starbucks and plopped down at the gate with my bags to wait to board. I find it fun that no one questions me when I'm a freshman walking through the airport all by myself. Maybe it's because I looked like I has everything under control, (not gonna lie I was having a mini panic attack on the inside.) But then I began writing to you guys, I know there are only 6-7 people who read each of my blog posts, but writing is therapeutic for me, so thanks you 6 people, it really and truly means a lot to me!!!

In-N-Out burger, the 1st time
In-N-Out burger, the 2nd time around!
*heart eyes emoji*

I think I will do another blog post on all the lovely things I picked up while on my trip but for this post this will be all, I'm going to leave you with a picture I took while on the flight back home. I don't know about you but I love how the clouds look from about, because you don't get the nasty glare from the sun in your pictures!! Till next time xx

On the way back to Denver.

Palm Trees along the Colorado River.

An Arizona sunset.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Autumn Vibes - Sleeping With Sirens & All Time Low | It's Bekka

Hello again everyone, long time no see. I've had a busy start to high school, and here we are in my favorite season, Autumn. I love everything about fall, pumpkins and everything pumpkin flavored. The red leaves, and Halloween parties, every aspect of it is amazing. But my favorite part of this fall was by far the Back To Future Hearts Tour. The tour included One Okay Rock, Neck Deep, Sleeping With Sirens, as well as All Time Low.

I went with one of my best friends Mollie and we had school the day of the concert. I was physically at school but totally not there, I was somewhere so excited about everything that was to come later that day.

My mom picked us up and we took the journey from my little high school to Broomfield. It was probably close to freezing when we arrived and stood in line. Everyone was buzzing with excitement and there was already pop punk music blasting in the distance.

The doors opened at 5 and we rushed inside. There were 2 kinds of tickets, the general admission tickets, and the floor tickets. We had floor and rushed to the line where we were handed bright orange bracelets.

Once we stepped into the arena, the vibe and energy just quadrupled. There was a growing blob in front of the stage, almost bean shaped, where we joined.

I'm pretty sure between when we arrived and when the concert actually started 45 ish minutes later, at least 50 people had accidentally touched my butt.

After  the wait the lights went dim and One Okay Rock stepped onto the stage, a 4 piece Japanese band who I had never heard of before the concert, but now 6 days later, are my new favorite band. Neck Deep was okay but I don't remember much, as at this point in time Mollie and I were shoved back further because of these rambunctious boys who wanted front row.

Around 7:30 the real show began. The lights went down and the drum beat started, then the guitar riffs and then the one and only Kellin Quinn entered the stage, holy crap.

He wore tight faded black skinny jeans and a RANCID shirt.

His tattoos were more beautiful than ever and his hair was so pretty I think I started crying. They're entire set list was perfect and I was shaking through the whole thing, my heart vibrating to the sound of the bass, every fiber of my body engulfed in the vibes in the room.

All Time Low was just an extension of the Sleeping With Sirens set because they both were quite similar, yet different.

The accoustic songs were where everyone in the crowd cried together and held their best friends and every other song was fist pumping, and jumping up and down worthy.

 I wish I could go back, and freeze myself in that moment, and stay there forever, in my happy plave