Wednesday, July 6, 2016

New Start (Update) | It's Bekka


As you all clearly know, I haven't blogged in a very long time and I've been thinking about writing for a while so this is the explanation of why I haven't.

I have two drafts of started blog posts but I've just given up on them because I feel that I can manage and decently write the posts, but my pictures are lacking. I have an iPhone 6, so it's not a bad camera, but it's not great so I feel like the only posts I am happy with are like experience things, rather than makeup or favorites type videos.

The reason I am writing this to you today, is that I am ready for a new start with this blogging adventure, the first time around I was quite pleased with how it worked out with views and reads and everything, except from my content, not to say I hated everything that I wrote but lots of it I wasn't excited about my topics.

So my new "theme" persay, is going to involve more studying/organizational type things as well as makeup and lifestyle type things (EX: I'm planning a post about my first pride parade for soon) So to add some color and character to this post I'm going to update you on my life from the past 9 months since I last blogged.

'Till Next time (which will be soon),
My absolute favorite band (soon to be a blog post)
Troye Sivan concert (also to be a blog post)

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