Sunday, June 23, 2019

Halfway Through My Biggest Year Yet | Bekka Ratzloff

From kindergarten forward, the adults around me buzzed about the year 2019, the year I would graduate. Granted, 6 year old me didn't care about 2019, because that was ages away and I wanted to ride my scooter and make my sisters play house. Being a high school graduate wasn't on the radar.

Until it was, until I was preparing a graduation party, and convincing my mom that I didn't need to go to class anymore because calculus was a waste of time. I knew from middle school that I wanted to be a nurse, but I had no idea what that meant, I just knew it was a solid option. I picked my major because I didn't have to make a decision. No matter what kind of specialty I end up in, I will be helping others in some way. But still in 2019, despite what I thought, I still have no idea what I want to do.

All I know is I love this year, I love the people I find myself surrounded by, I love the contribution I am making to the world at this moment, and I love what I have ahead of me. I've accepted that I will probably always be a fast-paced person, I don't do well with down time, I'm not good at spending time being not "productive". I tend to define productive as out and doing something, be that work or running errands or going to class.

My goal for the summer has been to take more time and do what I feel is not productive. Spend nights laying in bed watching Netflix, or writing, or going out and dancing with the girls, or spending too much money on concert tickets. I've almost forced myself to allot time for "fun" not just for being productive.

When I did that, I made the memories that make this year the best one yet, and I say yet because I plan on making every year after this one better than the last. I've thrown more caution to the wind than I ever have in the past.

I've started living by the motto "things happen for a reason".

I went to "mini" nursing school with Rory, not knowing she would become my roommate.
March 18, 2019

I decided on Regis, not knowing I would be able to finance college without cripping debt.

I impulsively got a tattoo (or 3), not knowing how much I would love them
April 9, 2019

I took a CNA class, not knowing I would get to learn from the two best nurses I know.

I reconnected with one of the greatest people I know, who's just as sappy as I am.
May 18, 2019

I applied for a job, not knowing I would meet my best friend there.
May 18, 2019
And most importantly, I found time to spend with my work best friends, who became my life best friends.
June 21, 2019

In the first 6 months of 2019, I allowed things to happen not knowing the reason. But because hindsight is 20/20, I've never been happier and more grateful for the world I live in, and what an honor it is to live in it. I'm going to spend the next 6 months, making impulsive decisions, and spending time being "unproductive" but this time in a dorm room!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, how about them apples.

    Well done Bekka, well done!


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