Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Did I die?

Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in foreverrrrrrr and I'm very sorry but I have an excuse!

I've had a kind of obsession with Tumblr recently, so in the late night time where I usually write blog posts, I've been over on Tumblr.

Also since my last mention of my Instagram account, I've put a lot of time and energy into that to help grow and make it more successful. I'm hoping to soon join together my blog and Instagram so they work hand in hand, so bear with me.

I also have a few things I'd like to just chat about.

1. I have started this thing (as of last week) on my Instagram called Song of the Week. I think I'm going to start writing commentary and attaching the audio files to a blog post. As well as I want to do extensions of different things on here from Instagram. A lot of Instagram accounts I know are very good at managing a YouTube channel as part of their Instagram, I'm working towards doing the same thing with this blog.

2. I'm having a very hard time figuring out how I want the background of my blog to look, I want it to be interesting but not distracting, I'm having a bit of a struggle there. I also have a few blog post ideas in my mind right now, and one in particular that I was very passionate about when I wrote it a month ago and that will probably be up later in the month.

3. I'm moving house! Towards the end of April my family and I are moving across town to a new house so be prepared for new pictures and maybe a new "bedroom haul" post.

I believe that that's all for now so thanks for reading, as always, and I hope you have a lovely morning/afternoon/evening!

Love, Bekka.

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