Saturday, April 25, 2015

Music Videos and Mashups | Bekka

A/N: I wrote this post a while ago and still love it so let this be this week's song(s) of the week!

As most of you may not know, I have an obsession with music. I have fond memories of having headphones in my ears lip syncing to my invisible crowd while I pretended my Mom's treadmill was my stage in the basement when I was 7 or 8 years old. Then at age 10 or 11 I decided that I wanted to play the violin, I've now been playing the violin for almost 4 years now as well as the saxophone, baritone, trombone, guitar, and a little bit of piano. I've always been that girl with headphones and an MP3 player with her at all times, as well as a song that I'm singing in my head during school.

To go along with my obsession of music, I love the visual art that goes along with the music. That art being expressed in a performance, or album artwork, or, my personal favorite, music videos. Today I'm going to be sharing my top 4 favorite music videos with you and why they're my favorite. (These are in no particular order!)

1. Linkin Park - What I've Done

I first saw this music video in my 8th grade English class. I don't remember what the lesson was on but I still remember the video. Even before the first verse begins, there are multiple clips shown that need to be recognized. There are two that stand out the most to me, there is a clip of a firefighter carrying a little girl out of a fire, then right after a group of police officers shooting at a van driving by. One of these acts is being shown as heroic, the other as inhuman and cruel, these emergency personnel work everyday to keep everyone safe, and sometimes that involves violence, but the response from society (being used as a broad term) doesn't approve. The next clips that stand out to me is a set of three. First a picture of children starving because they have no food, a man stuffing his face with a burger, and a woman measuring her waist and trying to be skinny. Within 5 seconds there are 3 MAJOR problems happening in the world. The people who have no option to eat and die of malnutrition. The obesity epidemic happening in countries like America and The UK. And finally eating disorders, another problem primarily in America and Western Europe. I could go on for ages and ages about the other powerful images in this video, but I'll let you pick those for yourself.

2. The Script - If You Could See Me Now

This video is very close to my heart for multiple reasons. First of all, as a fan of One Direction, I see the struggle Louis and Zayn specifically have with their confidence and how happy they are when their families see them preform. Same way with 5 Seconds of Summer, it isn't hard to see their homesickness when they're preforming all over the world and their Mum's and families are all in Australia. A more personal reason ties back to what I said at the beginning of my blog post, my music. With the instruments I play I preform in both my school band and orchestra. Something you probably don't know is my Grandpa passed away last April from complications of surgery, and he never got to see me preform. My story isn't at the scale that it is shown in the video, but still gives the same message. My favorite part of this video and song is it's not directed towards losing a grandparent, parent, friend, or romantic partner, it's all of the above. While the video is clearly focused on the music, depending on your life experiences it could stand for many things.

Bottom line, it's about being proud of something and heartbroken that someone you love can't share the experience with you.

PS: I am moving house this week so by the time you are reading this my entire life will be packed up so there may or may not be a new blog post next Wednesday, but I have a fun post (with pictures!) planned for next Saturday!

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