Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mental Health | What Can YOU Do?

Something you may not know about me is that the topic of mental health is very close to my heart. I know an array of people who have suffered with mental health issues as well as experienced it first hand. So much so that it is the thing I want to dedicate my life to helping “cure” as well as prevent.

Mental health is a problem. Just like cancer or diabetes, and it needs to be handled in the same fashion. As said in the video people are afraid of something being wrong in the brain, because the brain is the control center of the body. The thought of being out of control terrifies people.

When most people think of a mental health issue they think depression, and yes, that is the most common mental illness out there, but by supporting this stereotype that mentally ill people are depressed and in turn jumping to the conclusion that they’re suicidal, causes other issues. Most of this stereotype comes from the media and Internet, so this is our job to fix this stereotype. I know this   is just a blog post on another blog in the world if the Internet, I only have 3 followers!

But I have this Instagram account you all know it as and there are 12,000 people who follow it, now all 12,000 of them followed the account because they love One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer.

But most of them are more than just people in love with a band. A lot of them are seriously depressed, always anxious, anorexics and bulimics. And there is one thing that I have in common with them, we’ve put on blankets.

Now you’re probably going what the heck is she talking about? When you go and get into bed you lay under blankets because they keep you warm and comfortable and protect you. It’s the same thing with mental illness. Some of us hide behind binging and purging routines, some of us hide behind counting calories, some of us hide behind drugs and alcohol, and some of us hide behind our razor blades and burn scars.

All of these examples have one thing in common, there is a numbness where you can’t feel or address the real problems that are going on. What I’m here to tell you about is the feeling after the numbness. The morning after the drinks or the cuts or the binge where you realize what you’ve eaten, or you have the headache of a hangover, or the sting of hiding your cuts under clothes, and when you realize you have nobody to call, or to help you, you realize how alone you are.

I know this feeling, and if I do one thing in the world I want to have a place that’s available to everyone where they can go to know they aren’t alone.

There are two kinds of people who read this blog post.

  1. The Insiders.
If you have related to any of the things I’ve talked about and you know the feeling of numbness or the feeling after, you are an Insider, you are the person that other people need to go “yeah, I’ve had that happen and I recovered from it by doing _______”

2. The Understander
This is probably the harder position of the two, because the first reaction to someone who cuts or is a drug addict to just tell them to stop. The hardest thing for you is to understand, and you might never understand and that’s okay.
So now that I’ve rambled on forever there is something I want you to do. Share this blog post on your Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook. Anywhere where you feel comfortable to share your own story. Share this link wherever you want to and share your story. Or if you don’t have a story of a mental health illness share this with someone who you know that is going through a hard time.

To show your support use the tag #mentaltalk to share with your friends and family, and follow my twitter or leave a commen below, if you don’t feel comfortable with this being public you could always DM me on Twitter or email me

I also just made an Instagram account (@mentalhealthproject) that is going to be a place to make your Instagram timeline brighter and more positive.

Thank you for reading. xx

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

All About The Blog

Hi! So if you didn't know my name's Bekka, and this is my blog! I know you who is reading this probably don't know who I am, so I'm going to tell you as briefly as possible.

It all started in 2010. July 24th to be exact. I was 9 years old when One Direction was put together. And no matter how cheesy this sounds, this band is the best thing that has ever happened to me. About 8 months after the band began I started an Instagram account that I dedicated to them. It has about 11,500 followers in just under 4 years. But that's not what this blog is about.

In the end of September 2014 I started watching Zoella's YouTube videos, slowly I started watching more and more people and now I am subscribed to over 60 people on YouTube. Then in November I found out that she had blog, and I had never known this kind of thing existed before, and I couldn't get the thought out of my head about just writing down things that I thought that other people would then like to read.

That then leads me to this blog. I'm writing to girls aged 11-15 who understand the feeling of wanting nice things (clothes, beauty things, shoes, exc...) but not having a job to accord such things. I want my blog to be about "girly" things and be entertaining and relatable all at the same time.

If you like any of my first 3 posts leave a comment below, you can also leave suggestions for a new blog post (I changed the settings so anyone can comment you don't have to have an account!) Or if you do have an account feel free to follow. It would also mean a lot to me if you'd help me spread the word about my blog to you friends via Facebook or Twitter. Sharing links and all of my social media links you'll find on the right!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

How To | Decorate Your Laptop

So today I decorated my laptop. I posted this picture on Instagram and everyone was freaking out and loved it. I asked if they would like me to do a kind of how to blog post so here it is! (If you've been sent over from Instagram, hello!)

So the first thing to do is have a laptop (seems pretty standard) You could also do this on a tablet or an iPad or even your phone is you'd like.

The next thing you need to decide is if you want the stickers directly on your laptop/device or not. This is completely up to you. Advantages to not using a case would be you don't have to go buy a case, but if you did use a case you could take of the stickers whenever you like. As you can tell I didn't use a case for mine.

Next you need to buy sticker paper. I didn't know such thing existed. They're labeled as postage labels but make sure you get the type that is paper size! I got mine at Walmart for $4.44 and that was for 10 sheets (I used 4 for all my stickers (It would have been 3 but I messed up))

So I found my stickers on various parts of the Internet and I'll link them all below, these are just the ones I chose but feel free to use any pictures that you like.

--A little Internet hack is when you search in google add "png" to the end of your search to get a transparent background that ends up being white when you print. (Exp: Starbucks logo png)--

The most important part in order to make your stickers look good is the cutting job. Be sure to take your scissors with a steady hand and cut out your designs as close to perfect as you can. The nicer you cut the better your laptop/device will look!

One Direction MM Photoshoot
Night Changes Artwork
Yin Yang
Tumblr logo
Starbucks logo
Louis Rope Tattoo
Harry Butterfly Tattoo
The Beatles logo
5 Seconds of Summer logo
Ed Sheeran Orange Paw Print
British Flag
Converse logo
Cool Kids Don't Dance
Michael To The Moon Tattoo
Always In My Heart Tweet

Stay fabulous xx

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Do's and Do Not's | Successful Fan Instagram

I think it would be fun to do a little series on my blog of Do's and Do Not's so if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments.

So, as some of you may or may not know I have an Instagram. It is called and is dedicated to mostly One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer with occasional posts of YouTubers and cool Tumblry things.

Now I'm using the term successful very loosely, there are accounts I know that are amazing and have 200 followers, the way I use successful is that they have a large influence in the community of One Direction/5 Seconds of Summer accounts and other accounts look up to them.

Probably the most important thing about having a successful blog is patience. I've had my account now for almost 3 1/2 years and I have worked very hard on it since the beginning.

Another thing that is not specific to Instagram is you need to know which of your social media's you fancy the most. Like for me I love Instagram more than say Twitter, Tumblr, and Vine.

Next you need to decide what kind of "theme" do you want to use. Now this can change though out the progression of your account as well as what you want to do with it. One of the most important things is to be passionate and enjoying what you post. Here's a few examples of themes:

Band member pictures: This is my staple theme because I am one of the most lazy people you'll ever meet and I always want to post if I have something cool to say in the caption and I don't have something cool I made to post. (Most of the time I'm convinced I'd be better on twitter so follow me @bekkaratzloff) If you're feeling like you want your posts to look better than you could also do a theme within the band members pictures like alternating black and white with color or the film filter from PicsArt (<-- I love this app and maybe I just got the idea to do a "Review of my iPhone apps" blog post someday, leave a comment if you'd like to see that)

Collages: I think this is the good medium of lazy and over achiever because depending on your mood the collage could be complex and tell a story (for example just based on the pictures and the color of the border - if you used a black border and depressing pictures with a picture of a band member crying you tell the story of they're depressed or something really bad happened.) If you love finding cool looking pictures on Tumblr this would be good to intermix cool pictures and band pictures.

Funny edits: I can't review this because I suck at these, so those of you that can do them *thumbs up emoji*

Video edits: So I have made a few of these and I'm not gonna lie to you, they're not easy. Even though they can only be maximum of 15 seconds long, they can take on average 30-60 minutes to make. I also have a problem with getting a good idea for video edits so to be an account that makes vide edits on an average basis...I envy you.

My last tip for this post is to interact with your followers. Although seems like a simple topic there can be so many things that fall under that category.

Following: The best thing you can do (especially when you're just starting off) is to follow back your followers. I know that it has become more common for people now to have a separate app that tells them who's not following them back. (I would also suggest an app like that for you)

QOTD: This is a very good way to get to know your followers better and to encourage your followers to comment and like more.

Giveaways: Now these are prominently more for larger accounts but they can also be very helpful in growing your account. With a giveaway I did I gained .5 K in 3 days and another account that i saw gained 9.2 K over a 2 week period where her giveaway was active.

I hope that I have helped you and you now know more tools to grow your account. If you liked it +1 this post and follow my blog for more posts.

Comment below any thoughts, and if you read that whole post I love you so much and your support means the world and a half to me.

Stay fabulous xx.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

First Post

Sooooooo I was inspired by Zoella to start a blog on the things I like. I don't know all what I'm gonna post here but I have ideas for monthly favorites, OOTD posts, as well as anything and everything to do with One Direction and 5SOS.

Here's a little bit about me.

I'm 13 (almost 14!) and I've been to 2 One Direction concerts. I'm in the 8th grade and have naturally dark brown hair. In December 2013 I bleached my hair and for a year had red, pink, green, blue, purple, and platinum blonde colored hair. Now it's brown ombred into blue. I run a fan Instagram account for One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer. (as of now it has 11.7 K)

Most of the time I'm on the Internet and I'm what the normal person would call "anti-social" and thus of the name of this blog Internet Teens