Thursday, January 15, 2015

Do's and Do Not's | Successful Fan Instagram

I think it would be fun to do a little series on my blog of Do's and Do Not's so if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments.

So, as some of you may or may not know I have an Instagram. It is called and is dedicated to mostly One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer with occasional posts of YouTubers and cool Tumblry things.

Now I'm using the term successful very loosely, there are accounts I know that are amazing and have 200 followers, the way I use successful is that they have a large influence in the community of One Direction/5 Seconds of Summer accounts and other accounts look up to them.

Probably the most important thing about having a successful blog is patience. I've had my account now for almost 3 1/2 years and I have worked very hard on it since the beginning.

Another thing that is not specific to Instagram is you need to know which of your social media's you fancy the most. Like for me I love Instagram more than say Twitter, Tumblr, and Vine.

Next you need to decide what kind of "theme" do you want to use. Now this can change though out the progression of your account as well as what you want to do with it. One of the most important things is to be passionate and enjoying what you post. Here's a few examples of themes:

Band member pictures: This is my staple theme because I am one of the most lazy people you'll ever meet and I always want to post if I have something cool to say in the caption and I don't have something cool I made to post. (Most of the time I'm convinced I'd be better on twitter so follow me @bekkaratzloff) If you're feeling like you want your posts to look better than you could also do a theme within the band members pictures like alternating black and white with color or the film filter from PicsArt (<-- I love this app and maybe I just got the idea to do a "Review of my iPhone apps" blog post someday, leave a comment if you'd like to see that)

Collages: I think this is the good medium of lazy and over achiever because depending on your mood the collage could be complex and tell a story (for example just based on the pictures and the color of the border - if you used a black border and depressing pictures with a picture of a band member crying you tell the story of they're depressed or something really bad happened.) If you love finding cool looking pictures on Tumblr this would be good to intermix cool pictures and band pictures.

Funny edits: I can't review this because I suck at these, so those of you that can do them *thumbs up emoji*

Video edits: So I have made a few of these and I'm not gonna lie to you, they're not easy. Even though they can only be maximum of 15 seconds long, they can take on average 30-60 minutes to make. I also have a problem with getting a good idea for video edits so to be an account that makes vide edits on an average basis...I envy you.

My last tip for this post is to interact with your followers. Although seems like a simple topic there can be so many things that fall under that category.

Following: The best thing you can do (especially when you're just starting off) is to follow back your followers. I know that it has become more common for people now to have a separate app that tells them who's not following them back. (I would also suggest an app like that for you)

QOTD: This is a very good way to get to know your followers better and to encourage your followers to comment and like more.

Giveaways: Now these are prominently more for larger accounts but they can also be very helpful in growing your account. With a giveaway I did I gained .5 K in 3 days and another account that i saw gained 9.2 K over a 2 week period where her giveaway was active.

I hope that I have helped you and you now know more tools to grow your account. If you liked it +1 this post and follow my blog for more posts.

Comment below any thoughts, and if you read that whole post I love you so much and your support means the world and a half to me.

Stay fabulous xx.

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