Wednesday, January 21, 2015

All About The Blog

Hi! So if you didn't know my name's Bekka, and this is my blog! I know you who is reading this probably don't know who I am, so I'm going to tell you as briefly as possible.

It all started in 2010. July 24th to be exact. I was 9 years old when One Direction was put together. And no matter how cheesy this sounds, this band is the best thing that has ever happened to me. About 8 months after the band began I started an Instagram account that I dedicated to them. It has about 11,500 followers in just under 4 years. But that's not what this blog is about.

In the end of September 2014 I started watching Zoella's YouTube videos, slowly I started watching more and more people and now I am subscribed to over 60 people on YouTube. Then in November I found out that she had blog, and I had never known this kind of thing existed before, and I couldn't get the thought out of my head about just writing down things that I thought that other people would then like to read.

That then leads me to this blog. I'm writing to girls aged 11-15 who understand the feeling of wanting nice things (clothes, beauty things, shoes, exc...) but not having a job to accord such things. I want my blog to be about "girly" things and be entertaining and relatable all at the same time.

If you like any of my first 3 posts leave a comment below, you can also leave suggestions for a new blog post (I changed the settings so anyone can comment you don't have to have an account!) Or if you do have an account feel free to follow. It would also mean a lot to me if you'd help me spread the word about my blog to you friends via Facebook or Twitter. Sharing links and all of my social media links you'll find on the right!

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