Saturday, January 17, 2015

How To | Decorate Your Laptop

So today I decorated my laptop. I posted this picture on Instagram and everyone was freaking out and loved it. I asked if they would like me to do a kind of how to blog post so here it is! (If you've been sent over from Instagram, hello!)

So the first thing to do is have a laptop (seems pretty standard) You could also do this on a tablet or an iPad or even your phone is you'd like.

The next thing you need to decide is if you want the stickers directly on your laptop/device or not. This is completely up to you. Advantages to not using a case would be you don't have to go buy a case, but if you did use a case you could take of the stickers whenever you like. As you can tell I didn't use a case for mine.

Next you need to buy sticker paper. I didn't know such thing existed. They're labeled as postage labels but make sure you get the type that is paper size! I got mine at Walmart for $4.44 and that was for 10 sheets (I used 4 for all my stickers (It would have been 3 but I messed up))

So I found my stickers on various parts of the Internet and I'll link them all below, these are just the ones I chose but feel free to use any pictures that you like.

--A little Internet hack is when you search in google add "png" to the end of your search to get a transparent background that ends up being white when you print. (Exp: Starbucks logo png)--

The most important part in order to make your stickers look good is the cutting job. Be sure to take your scissors with a steady hand and cut out your designs as close to perfect as you can. The nicer you cut the better your laptop/device will look!

One Direction MM Photoshoot
Night Changes Artwork
Yin Yang
Tumblr logo
Starbucks logo
Louis Rope Tattoo
Harry Butterfly Tattoo
The Beatles logo
5 Seconds of Summer logo
Ed Sheeran Orange Paw Print
British Flag
Converse logo
Cool Kids Don't Dance
Michael To The Moon Tattoo
Always In My Heart Tweet

Stay fabulous xx


  1. Hey Gurl! Just found your blog and I actually like it a lot! :)

  2. Hey Gurl! Just found your blog and I actually like it a lot! :)


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